Making Parallel Programming Easy.
Category Archives: News & Events
Below you will find a listing of press releases, announcements and articles from Eiffel Software. For press inquiries, contact us or call (805) 685-1006.
On the way to solving the Concurrency Challenge.
Focus on Unicode – making software internationalization easier.
This release which marks the 25 anniversary of the company which continues the tradition of continuous improvements of the environment.
For practical and fundamental contributions to object-oriented software engineering, software reuse, and the integration of formal methods into the above. See award page for more details.
Cooking one’s own dog food and taking the time to do things right.
Addressing the “Billion Dollar Mistake.”
Milestones in automatic testing.
Numerous new tools for High-Reliability Software.
Major release brings EiffelStudio closer to full Implementation of the ISO standard of the Eiffel language and offers sophisticated new debugging mechanisms.